when a man's knowledge is not in order
the more of it has the greater will be
his confusion...

Monday, December 29, 2008


Salam Maal Hijrah 1430H!

Tip...tap...tip...tap...setahun lagi sudah berlalu!
Bila masuk tahun yang baru, orang sering bertanya...
"Apa resolusi tahun ini?" dan kita pun akan berkata...
"Oh, tahun ini hendak rajin dari tahun lepas..."
atau mungkin akan berkata...
"Tahun ini hendak bekerja bersungguh-sungguh, nak naik pangkat, nak naik gaji...bla..bla..bla..."
dan mungkin juga ada yang berkata...
"Tahun ini, nak cuba jadi muslimin yang lebih baik dari tahun lepas, tak tinggal solat, tak lupa berzakat dan tak mahu berprasangka dengan orang lain..bla...bla...bla..."

Emm...sebut mengenai resolusi ni, sejauh mana pula kemampuan kita dalam cuba memenuhi tekad yang dibuat di setiap awal tahun ini...bolehkah dianggap ianya satu perjuangan...tentu saja boleh dikira sebagai satu perjuangan, kerana ia merupakan janji kepada diri kita sendiri. Tekad yang dibuat atas semangat untuk membawa perubahan ke arah kebaikan...barangkali...

Apa pula resolusi diri sendiri pada tahun ini?

Petang semalam, duduk di depan TV, sebelum masuk waktu Asar, TV3 menyiarkan doa akhir tahun...Alamak! hampir terlupa, nasib baik TV3 ingatkan...Kalau tidak, sah, memang lupa nak tutup akhir tahun dengan doa...dalam hati, harap-harap tak lupa, doa awal tahun pula semasa maghrib nanti. Emm...hampir-hampir juga terlupa, nasib baik TV3 ada juga siarkan doa awal tahun...tulah, kejap sahaja boleh terlupa dan terlalai...

Doa akhir tahun sudah...
Doa awal tahun pun sudah...
Apa janji pada diri sendiri untuk tahun yang baru ini...
Apa perjuangan yang ingin dibuat di sepanjang tahun ini...

Ini hadiah sempena tahun baru 1430H. Tertarik dengan 2 perkara...Pertama tentu sahaja, cover buku yang berlatarkan hitam ini...Kedua, sinopsis di belakang buku...menarik-narik hati untuk mengetahui kisah yang tertulis di dalamnya...

"...manual bagi setiap mukmin yang berdaya juang. Ia diyakini mampu meningkatkan roh perjuangan..."

Kisah mengenai hidup nabi serta peperangan di zamannya...Tentu saja menarik bagi diri saya ini, kerana kisah-kisah sejarah memang amat disukai walaupun masa sekolah liat betul nak ingat tarikh-tarikh penting yang masuk exam...

Yealah, fikir-fikir semula...ini kisah perjuangan penting dalam sejarah Islam, tentu saja menarik, tentu saja penuh pengajaran dan kesedaran. Kalau hari itu, boleh bersabar menghabiskan 49 episode mengenai sejarah 'Yoshitsune', masakan tidak untuk kisah insan teladan sepanjang zaman ini...Kalau hari itu, boleh menghayati kisah fiksyen Laksamana Sunan, masakan tidak untuk kisah hidup dan perjuangan Nabi akhir zaman ini...

Buku yang bermuka surat 395 ini, tentu saja satu permulaan yang baik dalam pencarian perjuangan yang sebenar...insyaallah...

Semoga tahun baru ini, kita semua mendapat keberkatan dan keredhaanNya serta dipermudahkan setiap urusan...

Semoga di sepanjang tahun 1430H ini, kita semua sentiasa dilindungi dari keburukan dan kejahatan terutamanya daripada manusia yang berniat buruk...

Semoga tahun ini, kita semua mendapat kebahagiaan, kesejahteraan dan kejayaan...


Salam Maal Hijrah!

(hahahaha...godek2 hard disk...jumpa la pulak file lama ni...tambah2 sikit ikut perkembangan semasa...rindu nya zaman2 ni...problem sikit, takat nak risau dateline ngn lecturer...apa la sangat yaa...)

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Day Two : 25 nov 08

Tokyo : Imperial Palace

view across the street where tokyo station (famous in old Jdrama) stand...

ginko...some architecture elements here...so plain...

so square...so linear...so minimal...

bridge to imperial palace...

what are reflection for...?

part of imperial palace building...

proportion or not...green and cold...earth and structure...

here we can see the bridge to the palace entrance...
even tho...the weather was good...but the cloudy mood
got me soooo...difficult to click my D80...the cloud
soo white...it was hard to get the good composition...
(i'm sooo amateur in snapping...emmm...)


is this the same one...or another? this swan seems to
be sooo shy...hehehe

some beauty that captured my eyes...

emmm...can eat or not...?

Tokyo : Hibiya Park

junction near hibiya park...

gloomy or shiny...it is only perception...do
life all about black n white???

part of hibiya park...

exclusive restaurant inside the park


alone in green...

inside the subway station...we were heading
to Harajuku...

this is the only place that I can see train station with


people crossing road...emm...zigzag...zebra crossing...
we met hazmeer n kawashima sensei at train station...kawashima
sensei was a japanese teacher at ICLS, KL Plaza. She went back to
japan, a year ago...^__^

this was my lunch set,that day...
(kawashima sensei belanja ^__^)

Meiji Shrine...

hazmeer + knita + kawashima + khas + olivia
in front of torii gate...

this is the entrance to Meiji Shrine...

washed my hands here...sooo cold...

torii gate...

it was Sunday...there was soo many ceremony that day
one of it...was, a blessing day for 5 - 6 years old children.
A lot of parents came with their kids for this
ceremony. This boy was one of them, in his
traditional outfit...emmm...kawaiii nee...

she was sooo...sporting...^__^
kawaiii nee...

we were lucky that day...there were soo many
wedding ceremony...this couple were preparing
for a photo shoot...emm...the groom seems
to be so happy, watching his bride
that time...lovely ^__^

two more couples with their wedding, traditional

this man beats the big drum before the
monk start the ritual for the wedding ceremony

one of the ritual...the couple walked from one
of the gate towards the opposite building accompanied
by family members...

this is how they start their journey of commitment...

with a hope to be happy...together, build a happy
family...maybe? I dunno hehehe...
(this is only my assumption...)

walked back to the torii gate...it was time to went
back...at this moment...my feets was soo hurt...
(rasa nak tercabut ada...hehehe)

our evening ice cream n coffee break...
(kawashima sensei belanja lagi ^__^)

I'm back to Khoasan hotel...a lovely evening view
from the balcony...^__^
I do like to watch sky...the blue colour sooth
my soul hahahaha...

Shibuya...nightz tour...

this is the famous (in Jdrama) zig zag crossing...
I only can took this picts from the train station...
some people said that the best angle is from the Starbuck
but then it is prohibited to take pictures there...then how I'm
gonna hide my D80...sigh!

street n shops...

this is our dinner that day...at Samraat restaurant
prawn chilli + garlic chicken + white rice...n
roti naan for olivia...
(sedap je...baru 2 hari dah rindu nasi, kari mamak semua...isk3)

the view inside the restaurant...

the left table...is where we had our dinner...

haa...this is the ticket machine to order our dinner.
(mcm2 org jepun ni...nak order pn ada machine isk3)

street performers...nice song...nice voice...

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Tag team with Kak Nim !!!

Venue : NBKara's office, Prima Saujana
Time : 1200hrs
Date : 02nd Dec 2008


biscuits made by Kak Nim...

Kak Nim + Kak Norhayati Berahim

Kak Lily + Kak Nim

Nora Ismail + Kak Nim
(sorry Kak Nim for exposing too many of your picts...hehehe)
p/s: ada royalti ke?

story behind the picts : Kak Yati, Kak Nim and Kak Lily
was watching Nora Ismail, who was bz with her "epal hijau"

at this moment, Kak Yati was bz TT her book
for Kak Nim...

this is Kak Sue with the billsss...ampun ya Kak Sue...
asyik snap gambar je...^__^

story behind the picts : how happy they r, at
this moment it was about mangkuk kertas, pinggan

this is my first book of Kak Yati's...very2
much full of sentimental value ^__^

why? the book remind me of the
hard time...emmm...

Kak Yati + me...

It was fun...I'm really happy that I can met with Kak Norhayati Berahim. It was a pleasure, actually... She is a woman that is sooo special...I believe that...it was reflected all over her writing all this while...inspire...what I should call...passion...what I feel from it...
n preserverance in facing the world...she knows how to standing still when the world shaking... emm...if people ask me, why I like Norhayati Berahim...it is soo simple...I like her because she is Norhayati Berahim... ^__^

kindness is a language the dumb can speak
and the deaf can hear and understand...

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